Monday, December 26, 2011

What If?

When we are in a pensive and reflective mood, we try to ask the question 'What If" with reference to the important events in one's life.In fact, all the turning points of life we can pose the question.Those who have a good imagination are particularly prone to this.I would like to quote two instances from my past.One, when I was filling up the form for my High School examination in 1948, I decided on the spur of the moment to change the spelling of my surname from "Kakkar" to "Kacker".This was as two illustrious members of the family had been spelling it that way.Later on, when I mentioned this to a numerologist friend of mine, he said it changed my life and took away so many positives that would have otherwise accrued.In fact, he went on to suggest that I revert back to the original spelling.That was in 1966 or 1967. At one time I seriously thought of doing so but then decided to stay that way, for better or for worse.Would my life have been different if I had not changed the spelling?
In 1953, I was selected for appointment to the Engineering Branch of the India Navy and was among the five Indians selected to undergo a course at the Royal Naval Academy at Dartmouth,U.K. I could not go as there was some hesitation on the part of my parents and had to be satisfied with staying in India and finishing my University education and then appearing for the Civil Services examination where fortunately I made a mark on both occasions I took the examination,in1956 and again in 1958. What if I had joined the Indian Navy. An astrologer who I held in esteem mentioned that my selection was due to a favourable transit influence of Mars which would shortly have ended and it was good I did not join. Again, what if?Would I have been a success there? And how would I have compared to what I achieved after my entry in Indian Railways Traffic Service?
Like myself, my wife, Vijay, also changed her name while filling up the form for High School examination from "Vijay Lakshmi"to Vijay. I have been kidding and say that with that change the Lakshmi (wealth) left her!!What if she had stuck to the original name?
What If?

1 comment:

  1. My husband consulted a numerologist and changed the spelling of his name and mine. I reverted back with my original spelling. He continues with the changed spelling. I think it is safe to say, spellings don't make any difference to one's destiny.
